Declaration of accessibility

Web site being the fundamental domain of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, is in compliance with all the standards for accessibility of information system in civil service as it is stipulated in Regulation on Standards No. MF/013261/2008-132.

Maximal accessibility and functionality is the main objective of the web site. It is still accessible after disabling pictures and cascading style sheets (CSS) and although with some restrictions, is still accessible after disabling Java and Java Script sequences. The web site is defined in relative units and its content can be very easily zoomed in and out with standard internet browsers´ tools.

All files in *.PDF format are published on this web site. This is due to reason, that pdf files very often contains formatting or typographic parts which are either too big or the web format XHTML does not support them and thus for a user the easiest way is to download them on his or her computer. For opening of these files it is necessary to have installed Adobe Reader, which is freeware and can be downloaded from the official Adobe web site.

The web site is regularly validated with W3C service for XHTML Transitional 1.0 and for CSS.

If you have any problem with accessibility on the website, you can contact help desk (doplniť hypertextový odkaz „mailto:[email protected]“ ) which is located on every sub-page of the web site.

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is guarantor of the content and technical operator of the web site.


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