Key dates for the Census

  • Point in Time Relevant to the Census was midnight between Friday,
    the 20th of May, 2011 and Saturday, the 21th of May, 2011.
    This was the relevant moment of which data had to be recorded on  Census Sheets.
  • Census  Period referred to the period of  time during which the Census was conducted. According to the  Slovak Government Regulation it was conducted between  13th May – 6th  June 2011.
  • Data in electronic form was obtained from 21 to 29 May, 2011. The time available for electronic counting was shorter so as Census Takers could check those residents who were formerly interested in electronic counting whether they really got counted that way. Those residents who did not take this opportunity had to submit their completed Census Sheets to their Census Taker by 6 June 2011 at the latest.

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