How to understand

Point in Time Relevant to Census

The Census was conducted throughout the Slovak Republic as at 21 May 2011.

The Census was taken as at midnight between Friday, the 20th of May 2011, and Saturday, the 21st of May 2011 (which was the Point in Time Relevant to the Census).

Citizens recorded in Census Sheets any events such as the birth of a child, marriage, move, change of employment etc. that occurred at or before midnight 20 May 2011.

Any events that occurred after midnight 20 May 2011 will be subject to survey under the next census.

Image: Point in Time Relevent to Census

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Term of Census

The Term of Census shall be defined as the period of time over which the Census shall be conducted.

The 2011 Population and Housing Census was conducted from 13th May 2011 to 6th June 2011 pursuant to the regulation of the Slovak Government.  The printed forms were filled out from 21st May 2011 to 6th June 2011.  Data in electronic form were collected only between 21st-29th May 2011.

The phrase “Term of Census” referred to the period of time over which Census Takers were visiting all households falling within their Census Tracts and conducting the collection of information.

After the Point in Time Relevant to the Census, Census Takers collected the completed Census Sheets from residents who were not enumerated electronically.

Census Sheet

A Census Sheet is a statistical form provided either in documentary or electronic form.

Besides the official language, Census Sheets were also issued in the Hungarian, Romany, Ruthenian, and Ukrainian languages, either in documentary or electronic form, and in the English language in electronic form.

Each household was asked to complete the following forms: sheet(s) A. Data on Population (depending on the number of household members) and B. Data on Apartment. In single family houses, the residents also filled out a C. Data on Housing. In apartment houses, sheets C. Data on Housing was filled out by house owners or, possibly, house managers or the organization who manages a major portion of the building.

Data were collected using the proven method of self-enumeration where residents were asked to complete the Census Sheets on their own, which ensured the objectivity of information gathered, speeded  up the activities associated with data collection and facilitated the work of Census Takers.

The term “Census Sheet” referred to either of the following: A. Data on Population,      B. Data on Apartment and C. Data on Housing.

Image: Census sheet

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Census Tract

A municipality was divided into Census Tracts. The division of a municipality into Census Tracts had to be done in accordance with the municipality’s division into basic settlement units. If a municipality consisted of one residential zone and has not been divided into Census Tracts, it represented a single Census Tract.

The term Census Tract referred to a municipality, city, city district, city ward or a part of a municipality where the Census was conducted.

The number of Census Tracts had to cover, without any exemptions, the entire territory of a municipality; respect the boundaries of a municipality and take into account the municipality’s division into districts, wards, basic settlement units, and cadastral boundaries. Approximately 20,000 Census Tracts were established based on the above criteria.

Image: SR Register of Basic Settlement Units

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Definition points of basic settlement units – number
Included in census counts in 2001
Not included in census counts in 2001
Definition points of basic settlement units – name
Included in census counts in 2001
Not included in census counts in 2001
Definition points of territorial-technical units
Definition points of basic territorial units
Basic territorial units – boundaries
Basic territorial-technical units – boundaries
Basic settlement units – boundaries
Basic Map ZM 10

Census Taker

A citizen of the Slovak Republic, at least 18 years of age, who is of unimpeachable personal integrity and of full legal capacity were the conditions of becoming a Census Taker. A Census Taker could be appointed, upon his or her own consent, by the mayor of each municipality.

In Special Census Tracts, a Census Taker was appointed by the applicable central government authority, e.g. the SR Ministry of Defense, the SR Ministry of Justice etc.

In Slovakia, the number of Census Taker was approximately 20,000.

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