With the completion of data collection, another phase of Slovakia´s 2011 Population and Housing Census ended on June 6. The Statistical Office of the SR would like to thank the residents, municipalities and those Census Takers who performed their duties responsibly according to the law and the methodological instructions of the Statistical Office of the SR.
During the census, approximately 20 thousand Census Takers have been working in the field. The selection of Census Takers was conducted by municipalities which were also responsible for ensuring the conduct of their activities and solve the potential shortcoming related to their work. For this reason, those residents, who filled out their Census Sheets properly during the Census Term but the sheets have not yet been collected by Census Takers, should immediately turn to their local or municipal authorities. According to the communication between the Statistical Office of the SR and the residents, such situations happened mainly in Bratislava and were only scarcely reported in other bigger towns. In such cases, the Statistical Office could help by providing counselling and, at the same time, it warns the directly involved urban areas to ensure the consistent collection of the completed Census Sheets.
The finalization of the handed-out Census Sheets and other census materials in towns and municipalities began on 7 June, 2011. Pursuant to the methodological instruction of the Statistical Office of the SR the whole census agenda must be in the district offices by 17 June at the latest. District offices will deliver it to the regional offices of the SO SR in 8 regional towns. Finally, data and information processing can begin.
The Statistical Office of the SR repeatedly reassures the public that all data and information on population, houses and apartments obtained during the census are protected by law and shall only be used for statistical and research purposes only and for international comparison. Census results shall serve as basis for qualified decision-making in various areas of life- the highest levels of the society to the lowest levels. Further on, census statistics can also be utilized in developing long-term strategies, but can also help in addressing tangible things.
Pursuant to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council the 2011 Census results will be published gradually, the deadline for publication of comprehensive results is not until March 2014.
Notice: While publishing of the whole information report or its parts we request to state the source of information–the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.