Identifiers need to be stuck on completed Census Sheets

In connection  with the increasing number of questions, whether it is necessary to put identifier stickers  on Census Sheets, the Statistical Office of the SR kindly inform the public that the identifier is necessary for processing data correctly and obtaining high-quality census data. An obligation to generate a numeric identifier of a resident necessary for filling in Census Sheets results from the Law Act No. 263/2008 Coll. on Population and Housing Census in 2011. The use of identifier is part of data collection. Identifiers are only one-time and were generated exclusively for census purposes. Their purpose is to prevent double counting, if by chance someone happens to get counted both ways ( in paper and electronic form as well), or someone gets counted both in the place of permanent and usual residence. Therefore, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic needs to have the Census Sheet connected with an identifier for a certain period of time. It will only last until the duplicities are sorted out, i.e. until the creation of the core database from census results. Further on, only those data will be processed which do not allow direct identification of a resident. Before publishing census results, data will be anonymised and will not be provided individually but on certain groups-i.e. living population by age, by education and age etc.

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