The Statistical Office of the SR issues a methodological instruction for municipalities which amends the procedure of preparation and conduct of the 2011 Population and Housing Census. According to this instruction the selection of Census Takers should be completed on the whole territory of the SR until 18 April at the latest. Municipalities shall begin their selection from 4 March after the establishment of Census Tracts. For the first time, the Population and Housing Census will examine not only the place of permanent residence but also the place of usual residence – where people spend most of the year and where they usually spend their day or night rest. This information could change interestingly the number of residents of each municipality as well as the amount of funds flowing into municipal budgets. Information on usual residence is a strong motivation for municipalities to ensure the enumeration of all residents and to determine the actual population size of a municipality. Census Takers will play an important role in it. For this reason, the selection procedure of Census Takers and the conduct of their activity make up the substantial part of the methodological instruction which aims to ensure the uniform procedure in fulfilling census tasks. Census Takers begin visiting the households from 13 May in order to distribute Census Sheets to households and all the necessary identifiers needed for legal census – taking in paper or electronic form. When filling out the forms, residents will provide only information which is topical at the Point in Time Relevant to the Census i.e. as at midnight 20 May 2011 and 21 May 2011. Census Takers must finish the census data collection by 6 June at the latest. The condition of becoming a Census Taker is that you need to be a SR citizen, at least 18 years of age, be of unimpeachable personal integrity and of full legal capacity. In the methodological instruction of the Statistical Office it is advised that municipalities should select candidates that with advanced communication skills who are mentally and physically able to fulfill all demands of the position. Ideally, local residents will be needed to work as Census Takers. Municipalities will also select the substitutes of Census Takers in case any of the appointed candidates, for whatever reason will not be able to conduct the census. The Statistical Office in its methodological instruction also takes into account the difficult-to-count population groups. In this connection, municipalities may facilitate the work of Census Takers in close cooperation with the social and community center workers. Census Takers are entitled to receive remuneration from municipalities within 30 days after the completion of the census. With a view to ensuring the financing for the preparation and conduct of the census, the Statistical Office of the SR issues a methodological instruction which will also specify the amount of remuneration for Census Takers. Besides methodological instructions, the Statistical Office of the SR has issued a series of documents that will ensure a unified procedure for state administration and local government bodies in the preparation and conduct of the 2011 Population and Housing Census.
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