Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is distancing itself from billboards influencing opinions of residents during the census

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is distancing itself from billboards with a census logo which in some towns encourage the public to tick “No Religion” when answering the question on religion, on the census form A.

These billboards are not part of the information campaign, conducted by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic prior to May census. Religion is commonly regarded as participation in the religious life of some Church (religious organisation) or attitude to it.  Question defined this way is pursuant to Act No. 263/2008 Coll. on 2011 Population and Housing Census.  Answering this question will enable to compare data from the 2011 Census with that from 2001.

Considering that it will be merely a personal expression of opinion of all residents, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic will not provide any guidance on answering  the question on religion.

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