Welcome to scitanie2011.sk

The 2011 Population and Housing Census Logo A new webpage with  a special mission has been entering the Internet World.  Its aim is to inform about the project of exceptional significance which is with good reason and without any exaggeration considered as the „Event of the Decade“. Again, after a decade, the Population and Housing Census will provide not only data about the number of population residing within the Slovak Republic but also information regarding the population´s demographic, cultural, educational, social and economic structure, as well as information describing the housing standard  and the structure of the existing housing stock. The success of the Census relies on cooperation with every resident, which enables to obtain unique data and information necessary for accurate prognoses in decisive spheres and for the development of towns and municipalities. This website scitanie2011.sk will be available nonstop.

All are welcome – men and women of all age groups and professions, single or married, father, mothers or childless, simply everyone who is  not indifferent to what is happening around us- where to develop roads, hospitals or schools or where investments should be directed. At this address shall begin, just a second after midnight, between Friday, the 20th of May2011, and Saturday, the 21st of May 2011, the first online Population and Housing Census.  We have been working  intensively  to put the new website into operation. All data on population, houses and apartments surveyed in the census is confidential and protected by law and will be used for statistical purposes only.

Welcome, read and think.

The time to prepare   ANSWERS TO OUR FUTURE is coming.

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