On 28th June 2012, another selected definitive results of the 2011 Population and Housing Census were released by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic which give evidence of the permanently resident population by regions, districts, sex, age and municipalities of the Slovak Republic. The results are available also on the website of the Statistical Office of the SR www.statistics.sk and scitanie2011.sk .
As at 21st May, 2011, which was the decisive census moment, the Slovak Republic has been divided into 8 regions which are divided into 79 districts and 2 927 municipalities (including the urban regions of Bratislava and Košice). In the Prešov region the most populated was Prešov district (169 423) followed by Petržalka municipality (105 842) within Bratislava V. District. The fewest person with permanent residence lived in the Medzilaborce district of the Trnava region (12 450). Príkra (8) in the district of Svidník was the municipality with the lowest number of people. The fewest people per square kilometre lived in Banská Bystrica region (69,9) and in Medzilaborce district (29,1), the largest number of people lived in Bratislava region (293,5) and in Bratislava I. District ( 4 030,2). Geographically the smallest district was the Bratislava I. District with an area of 9,6 km2 and the largest was the Levice District with an area of 1 551,1 km2
As at the decisive census moment, the highest number of women fall per 1000 men in the Bratislava region (1 111), the lowest in Prešov region (1 028). In only one Slovak district – Námestovo- were fewer women than men (there were 984 women per 1000 men). In the districts Sabinov and Stará Ľubovňa there was an equal number of men and women. The census showed the highest number of women per 1000 men were in the Bratislava II. District (1 180). In 979 municipalities lived fewer women than men. In the rest of the 66 municipalities the number of men and women was approximately equal.
The highest value of ageing index (the number of inhabitants aged 65 and over per 100 youths under age 15) was reached in Trenčín region (103,7) and in Bratislava I. District (167,6). The lowest value of the ageing index was reached in Prešov region (59,6) and in Námestovo district where 34 inhabitants aged 65 and over fall per 100 youths under age 15.
The region with the highest percentage of Roman Catholics was Nitra (70,5%) and the district Námestovo (95,2%). The Evangelic Church of Augsburg confession had the greatest representation in Banská Bystrica region (10,6%) and in the district Myjava (50,9%), the Greek Catholic Church in the Prešov region (14,1%) and in the district Medzilaborce (50,4%) and the Reformed Christian Church in the Košice region (5,5%) and in the district Komárno (15,5%). The highest share of inhabitants reported to the Orthodox Church was in Prešov region (3,6%) and in the district Medzilaborce (27,2%). The largest number of people without any religious affiliation was recorded in Bratislava region (26,8%) and in the Bratislava I. District (32,9%).
The majority of inhabitants in all the 8 regions were of Slovak nationality. The highest share of people with permanent residence and of Slovak nationality was in Žilina region (93,1%) and in the district Námestovo (97,3%). Nitra region (24,6%) and the district Dunajská Streda (75%) had the largest share of people of Hungarian nationality. The number of Roma people was the highest in Prešov region (5,3%) and the district Kežmarok (11,5%). The highest concentration of Ruthenians was found in the Prešov region (3,5%) and in the district Medzilaborce (42,5%). The district Medzilaborce had also the highest share of Ukranians (2,5%). The highest proportion of people of Czech nationality was in the Bratislava region (1,1%) and within districts it was in Bratislava I. District (1,7%).
The highest share of people able to work with text and tables and with the Internet or email was found in the Bratislava region and in 5 districts of Bratislava. All the above-mentioned skills were the least used by residents of the Košice region and the district Revúca.
Notice: While publishing of the whole information report or its parts we request to state the source of information–the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.