Use of the Internet is the most common computer skill
The Statistical Office of the SR released the definitive results of the 2011 Population and Housing Census on the most frequently used language and on computer skills of permanent residents
For the first time ever, in the 2011 Population and Housing Census, the Statistical office of the SR surveyed the resident population´s computer skills. By then, this issue was statistically processed from sample surveys results. The latest publication Basic data on 2011 Population and Housing Census, population by computer skills attempts to estimate the permanent residents in the SR by regions, districts and municipalities who as of 21. May, 2011 were able or not able to work with text, tables or electronic mail (e-mail) and with the Internet.
49,9% (2 691 016) of Slovak residents reported being able to work with text. 38,8% (2 096 203) of them were able to work with tables and 46,9% (2 553 621) had email skills. There were 53,8% (2 905 374) Internet users in the SR population.
The highest shares of permanent resident population being able to use all the above-mentioned computer skills were reported in the Bratislava region and in the district Bratislava V. These skills were least used in Košice region and in the district of Revúca. Until the decisive census moment, there wasn´t a single municipality in the SR where the permanent inhabitants did not have some computer skills. More than half of the permanent residents in 1 495 municipalities could use the Internet, in 794 municipalities they could work with text and in 368 municipalities they could use e-mail. More than half of permanent residents in more than half of the Slovak municipalities (1536) reported not being able to work with tables.
According to the data from the lately issued publication- Basic data on 2011 Population and Housing Census, population by most frequently used languages- until the decisive census moment these were the most frequently spoken languages at home and in public: Slovak, Hungarian, Romany, Ruthenian and in public also the English language. Slovak was used both in public and at home by the majority of permanent residents in regions and districts, with the exception of Medzilaborce, Komárno, Dunajská Streda and also Rimavská Sobota where Slovak was not the language most frequently spoken at home because it was spoken by less than 50% of permanent residents. As for the public use of Slovak, it was exclusively spoken in 10 municipalities and in 19 municipalities it was spoken by less than 5% of permanent residents. Slovak was exclusively spoken at home only in 6 municipalities in the districts of Bánovce nad Bebravou, Veľký Krtíš, Krupina, Vranov nad Topľou and Levoča.
Altogether 7 publications have been issued by the Statistical Office of the SR compiled of basic Census 2011 data on permanent resident population in the SR, regions, districts and municipalities by sex and age, nationality, confession, highest educational attainment, mother tongue, most frequently used languages in public and at home and computer skills. They are available at the websites of the Statistical Office of the SR and together with the publication Population in the Slovak Republic and in the regions, selected results of 2011 Population and Housing Census.
Notice: While publishing of the whole information report or its parts we request to state the source of information–the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.