How to recognize a Census Taker

According to the Act No. 263/2008 Coll. on 2011 Census of Population, Houses and Dwellings, a Census Taker is a citizen of the Slovak Republic, at least 18 years of age, who is of unimpeachable personal integrity and of full legal capacity. The selection of Census Takers was conducted by municipalities. The appointed Census Takers will be eventually professionally trained by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. The role of Census Takers is to ensure a smooth conduct the 2011 Population and Housing Census which will be held between 13 May and 6 June 2011, in accordance with the Slovak Government Regulation.

There are many duties a Census Taker has. Here is an overview of some of them which might help you determine whether you were visited by a real Census Taker:

  • Census Taker will not come to your home before 13 May 2011 and after 6 June 2011.
  • Census Taker will deliver the Census Sheets and envelopes with identifiers and verification passwords to households, upon his/her first visit. Census Sheets for other members of a household living therein can be taken over by one adult member of a household. Every household member, children inclusive will be given an identifier for filling out the form A. Data on Population.  Each household will receive one envelope with an identifier and a verification password for filling out the form B. Data on Apartment and another envelope with an identifier and a verification password for filling out the form C. Data on Housing.
  • Census Takers will have to prove their identity by a special authorization issued to them by a local or city mayor including a round stamp of a municipality or town and it should be in a visible place for residents. If you wish to verify the Census taker is legitimate, just ask his/her ID card. Municipalities will make a list of Census Takers. Their identity can also be verified in every Municipal Office or Town Hall either by telephone or personally. Any eventual shortcomings related to the work of Census Takers will be dealt with municipalities.
  • Census Takers must not enter your home unless you invite them in. Residents enumerated electronically between May 21 and 29, 2011, will not be visited by a Census Taker once again. Neither Census Takers nor municipalities will have any access to electronic Census Sheets.
  • Besides the questions regarding relationships between the household members Census Takers will only ask questions that appear on the Census Sheets.

The Centre for Social Surveys at Infostat conducted a representative survey for the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic regarding Census Takers. The survey was carried out between March 29 and April 4 by the method of standardised interview and included 1143 respondents, aged 18 years and older who stressed the following qualities when selecting Census Takers: politeness, willingness to help, explain things, tactfulness, discretion. Furthermore, a Census Taker should also be tolerant, patient, serious, accommodating and reliable.

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